Cell Number | Business Name |
919745445062 | Puthiyadath |
914952206230 | New Associated Pharma |
919449063003 | Gimmi Kokkappillil |
914952277250 | Marygiri High School Maranchatty |
919495662921 | Vattodiyil Traders |
919447230007 | JB&JB Associates |
919946417227 | Dasan Store |
919746697553 | Kallai Bike Work Shop |
918590996611 | Tripp Automotive And Garage |
Cell Number | Business Name |
919539543537 | Star Auto Electricals |
914952255151 | Stella Maris Boarding School |
914832759382 | Gups Thottumukkam |
919496143896 | Thottumukkam Fuels |
914952252022 | State Bank of India |
914952293700 | The Karassery Service Co-operative Bank Ltd. |
914952277335 | Canara Bank |
914952277370 | Kerala Gramin Bank |