Information about +919711237040

Trace Owner details of +919711237040


+919711237040 is business number, listed for Baghel Sweets. Baghel Sweets is a Sweets and dessert buffet in India. The contact address of +919711237040 is Saiyad Ul Ajaib Village, Sainik Farm, New Delhi, Delhi 110030. Baghel Sweets business has a rating of 3.7 out of 5.

Business Name Baghel Sweets
Business Pincode 110030
Business Location Delhi
Business Address Saiyad Ul Ajaib Village, Sainik Farm, New Delhi, Delhi 110030
Business Rating 3.7
Business Category Sweets and dessert buffet
Business Email [email protected]

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917552679455 Sanjay Traders
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