Information about +919873878619

Trace Owner details of +919873878619


+919873878619 is business number, listed for Sony Electronics. Sony Electronics is a Electronics store in India. The contact address of +919873878619 is shop no 92, Sanjay Enclave, 30 Feet Road Near Chacha Chowk Parvatiya Colony, Masjid Area, New Industrial Town, Faridabad, Haryana 121005. Sony Electronics business has a rating of 3.6 out of 5.

Business Name Sony Electronics
Business Pincode 121005
Business Location Faridabad
Business Address shop no 92, Sanjay Enclave, 30 Feet Road Near Chacha Chowk Parvatiya Colony, Masjid Area, New Industrial Town, Faridabad, Haryana 121005
Business Rating 3.6
Business Category Electronics store

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